The "why" behind imagination lab school
Our world is in a constant state of flux. Advances in technology, global markets, and environmental pressures present us with an unpredictable future. It is more clear than ever that education is no longer simply about the accumulation of facts.
In order to find happiness and to be successful in the future, our children will need to be more adaptable, more resilient, and more resourceful. They will need to think critically, be creative, communicate effectively, and collaborate with others.
In short, our children will need to be life-long learners.
Our program is designed to support and develop the mindset, skillset, and toolset each child needs to be their best selves so that they may engage meaningfully and purposefully with the world around them.
Curiosity & openness
Flexibility & adaptability
Initiative & risk-taking
Long-term thinking
Listen actively
Communicate effectively
Think critically
Use evidence & assess information
Analyze local & global issues
Reason logically & interpret clearly
Become & remain digitally literate
Speak at least one language beyond one’s native tongue
Collaboration & cooperation
Conflict resolution & decision-making
Leadership & responsibility
Assertive communication
Social influence
The "how" behind imagination lab school
Learning requires a multi-modal approach that addresses all aspects of the whole child including social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. While the core school day allows time for both explicit skill development and opportunities to apply learning through engaging projects, social and emotional development is the thread that runs throughout each community experience.
In practice, this involves whole class, small group, and independent learning experiences that match learning goals with learner needs. This also involves a blended approach to knowledge, habit, and skill development using a flexible combination of interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary learning experiences.
We achieve our learning goals through the purposeful and deliberate integration of:
Social and emotional development
Constructivism, experiential learning, and design-thinking
Inquiry and reflection
Multi-age classes, flexible groupings, and personalization
Problem- and project-based learning
Neuroscience and developmental science
Globally connected
Real-world focused
Personalized and Innovative
The "what" behind imagination lab school
Teaching, learning, and leading is anchored in and designed around the following:
A world-class, global education program
A competency-based approach to teaching and learning
A problem-based and project-based approach to curriculum based on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals
A commitment and dedication to outdoor education, the arts, and world languages
A dedicated lab school with a focus on pedagogy, innovation, and partnerships
A culture and community that meaningfully engages all stakeholders in individual and collective growth
A deliberate and purposeful connection to the broader community, both locally and globally
Real-World Connections
Social & Emotional Development
A sample schedule
The weekly schedule is a fluid and flexible structure that supports knowledge and skill development, as well as vigorous opportunities to apply both in context. The schedule is not a fixed structure to be followed, but rather a template that student and adult learners work from to create deep and purposeful learning experiences.
The school day begins with rolling drop-off between 8:00-8:45AM and Extended Day until 6:00PM.
Along with workshop time (reading, writing, and math), our learning experiences include:
Weekly arts classes
Hands-on activities
Problem-based and project-based learning
Refresh time in between each learning block
A dedicated one hour block for outdoor time each day for structured and unstructured play
Below are two sample schedules, one for our Lower Elementary and one for our Upper Elementary.